- hold tight, and welcome to today's plumberparts.co.uk video. sorry, it's been a littlewhile since we uploaded, guys. we obviously had a littlebit of a time away in italy. alright, guys welcome to thisplumberparts.co.uk video, we are currently in the mediterranean sea. the girls are overthere, the boys are here. - hey. - so, i just want to show you,
demonstrate to you how easy it is for me to turn the heating on and off using my migenie app on my phone, yeah? back at the institutewhere we fitted that board a couple of weeks ago. at the moment the heating is totally off. this harsh, it's actually quite warm back in england at the moment. what we're gonna do isif you zoom in over here,
press that boost button. i hope you can see, guys, i really do. it's sending it. there we go, the heating's on. the heating back over there is on. so, what? this is beautiful. oh, there's a beer for us as well. ah, come here. anyway guys, hold tight.
it was lovely, birthday as well. getting older, hacking my way through the thirties at the moment. there we go, so we're back now. all ready to go. getting ready for the heating season, even though at the moment it's like the warmest september i think we've ever, ever had.
33 degrees at the moment. anyway, before we continue i'd like to ask you tosubscribe to our videos. it's really important. by clicking on the link that's appearing in the cards right now. those cards are visiblethroughout the whole video, so you don't have to worryabout clicking on it now. click on it at the end,
it won't take you away fromwhat you're watching now. anyway, i hope you enjoy the video, guys. and remember, to hold tight. plumberparts.co.uk, homeof find your plumber. so, then, it's been a mad couple of days in the world of plumber parts and we've got loads of little giveaways coming up over the next few weeks. with any luck we're going tobe working with lee cooper,
giving away some of their stuff. where we've got a competitiontoday with marxman, as well, marxman pens, you mayhave seen on dragons den. but we're going to go andtalk to you about that later. we're also going to begiving away a few stickers and phone chargers, as well. but we'll show youexactly how to do that all later on in the video. the first thing's up, as you know,
and as you can see from behind us we're doing a registrationsgame of find your plumber. you might have also noticed as well that we've got a reallybig twitter account now. 9,000 followers on there plus the 5,000 we've got on plumber parts. so go over and follow us @fyplumberparts, okay? @fyplumberparts. also, we're gonna announcetoday our first winner,
plumbers who have fully registered with find your plumber get entered into our monthly amazon voucher competition. and we'll be telling you which one of you lucky plumbers who've registered has won that today. there's a wasp flyingaround and i hate wasps. (grunts) have a look at this video
that josh tappin sent us through, as well. he got sent out to this loo. - so, i got a call saying thatthe toilet is a bit loose. (creeks loudly) - nice, josh. have you got a photo of thenew one you've installed and what did you do with the old one? did you sort of dig itinto the ground outside, fill it up with some soil, andthen put some flowers in it?
by the way, everyone,round of applause for josh 'cause he got married tohis sweetheart of his life. he met her on tinder. (laughs) he met her on tinderwith his chat up line. (romantic music) (chuckles) oh, sorry, josh. we're also gonna be doing a weekly
and monthly competition with grand plumber's merchants, as well. it's gonna be called world west wednesday. they have made me do somethings for the stings, which are like the little bits that go through to the segment on that. though, i'm not happy about doing because i'm afraid of horses. i mean, they've got bigo' hooves, big o' teeth,
they're thick, all they cando is run and kick and bite. that's all horses are good for. unless, of course you're french. actually, one more thingi want to mention to ya we're going to be doing aplumbing disasters calendar. so, let us know if you'reinterested in that. we're going to be sellingthat through our shop. we're currently building an online shop for t-shirts, as well.
if you've got any, wasp! just get away! if you've got any good t-shirt ideas send them through to us, and if we go through to manufacturing it, we'll send you your one out for free. so, i can't do any betterthan, really, can i? anyway, if you haven't done already and you want to get a chance to win one of these amazon vouchers,
and also get loads of discounts and deals with themanufacturers we've worked out, click on the link that'sappearing right now in cards. you don't have to click on it yet, it's available throughoutthe whole video, as usual. so, let's get on and have a look at some of your photos and videos. alright? remember, guys, so hold it tight! oh yeah, and also we're doing
another competition aswell with evolution tools, like the one we did a couple of weeks ago that tjd plumbing services won. well done, mate. oh yeah, and also we'regonna be doing some dates with the grand plumber's merchant tour. you probably realize they're going all over the country at the moment in their customer first tour.
we're going to be on someof them dates, as well. also, if you look in theyoutube description below there'll be a link to thegrand plumber's merchant dates on our website so you canfind out when they are, go along, meet richie, and all the guys from install to show as well. you might be able to meet us if it's one of the shows that we're on. get some photos, we'llhave a laugh, have a beer,
you never know, it could bethe best day of your week. anyway, right, speak to you soon, and remember, enjoy these photosand videos and hold tight! so, then the suns out, the guns out, let's go and do some photos and videos. it's obvious that in the plumbing world, in the plumbing trades at the moment the cowls and rain capsand that are so expensive. that's why grassroots79sent us here this photo
of someone who's just decidedto find their sole pipe up. no smell's gonna get outof there, is it? meh. karen sent us throughthis photo of a cylinder. i actually don't know whatthe hell is going on here, but there's a 240 volt charger up there. is that actually powering it or something? whatever it is, it'sabsolutely terrifying. as is this photo, thataaron mccoy sent through, if someones been puttingloads of four inch
through the floor joist and just using what looks like a chainsaw to cut them through, it doesn't really matterwhat you cut them with, look how much you've actually cut out, that floor is gonna fall down, y'all. jess lucas sent us this through photo, and loads of you as well did. obviously, you've all beengoing to harry potter land
because you know, you'readults and that's what you do. but you sent us through this thing here, of the stove that's been fitted in there. is that flue compliant, guys? hm, i'll let you boys decide. and then adam waring poppedin as well with another flue, i mean, someone's triedand they've failed here. i mean, i don't knowwhat they were thinking. i always say that, i don'tknow what they're thinking
but they've done it anyway. i hope you've sorted that out, lads. and then this next picture came in, dan reeves sent it to us, but we've got sent it byquite a few plumbers as well. and there was a little bit ofchit chat about it on twitter. guys, i'm looking to find out where we can get these figurines from, 'cause they would be brilliant prizes.
now, this may have happened on a friday, and it's not a flexi friday. dan reeves sent this onethrough to us as well, what it looks like issometimes you run out of 15 mil compressions and olives and all you've got is alittle bit of solder in there so this is what you do instead. solder that beast in there, y'all. when i did that pub'staps a couple months ago,
i soldered away a bib taps in as well because you know what drunks are like. we've all been there and nicked a lot of bib tapsoff someone, haven't we? haven't we? chopper read sent us througha few photos as well. one is of this lovely #flexifriday, #forthebadbloodcrew! going into a shower, or #shonkyshower?
so many hashtags going around these days. and then he said, it'sthis one as well, #ruderad, for the bad blood crew! hashtag, hashtag hashtag, ha! radiator as well. seriously, what is going on here? i mean i see this sort of thing and i think hm, that is mental. not the best quality photo ever,
but addy deeter sent us through this one of a load of soil stack that's all just been sortof mashed in together. looks absolutely dreadful, don'tknow what's going on there. if it was slightly better quality, maybe you'd be able to see, but you can tell even throughthe haze shade of awful pixels that it is a dreadful installation. just happened, got called out to a lady,
she's got no electricity and the new shower's just beeninstalled by some old boy, he takes the front cover off the shower, and finds this. that's why you got no electricity, love. alright? just josh! good old irb heating, by the way we contacted them directly to make sure we could use this photo,
but it is hilarious. watch yourselves, magnaclean. this magnet is comingout to get y'all. ha! great photo that irb,send you out a sticker if you want one, boys, give us a shout. hagenaersf sent us through this photo of a #ruderat, #bigg, #scrubsinthebigfatbelly (mimics fanfare)
george, don't struggle. don't struggle, we're doing a video. don't get grumpy. yeah? anyway, it's one of them horrible, i hate these radiators because the dip tubesalways get blocked up down along the bottom and they just never work.
so, thanks for sending usthat one through, mate. i do like the way they'veused like a bit of pen or something like that,a stick or something, to make sure the trv pins stuck in so it doesn't keep running. great work, remove that. sort out the part work, do alittle bit of 10 mil underneath or convert it to 15 mil, and put two proper valves in each end.
do you like george's new collar? he's got a new collar on, ain't you, g? meow, oh look at that belly. oh, okay! aw, he's so moody! he's never like this. i knew when we get the camera, and he's not run away, he loves me, hey! george, come back.
รข™« george! aw, it's too hot for him, isn't it? chopper read sent us through a video of why you should never let tilers first fix or install shower valves. have a look at this. so, yeah, adam barrett's working'round the local vicarage and obviously, as weall know, vicars love, and even if you do love godand all that sort of stuff
it doesn't mean you don'tlove a bit of sexy time, as this guy proves here. look what he found under the floor boards. adam, what did you do with them? did you put them in yourpersonal little collection in the centralization of the van, or as most people would normally do, get the photo you love the most and superglue it to the backof the sun visor in the van
so you can look at it while you're driving down the motorway. adam connor found this automaticair vent on this radiator, don't really know what it's doin'. i mean, let's face it,automatic air vents on radiators are ludicrous, anyway, they look dreadful. but when you pipe it in downthere, what's the point? anyway, been jammin, or benjamin, whatever you want to call him,found this tool bit valve.
no, no, no, no! bullvalves, please, all the way. i hope you took it out, ben. see, most plumbers lovea good power flush, especially to sort of start the week. it is a great way to sortof ease yourself into what's going to be a dreadful, tragic week of stuff not turning up in time, from the supplies and all the rest of it. well, josh thought that was just gonna be
that sort of job on a monday, nice little power flush. he turns up and findsthe carpets this color. josh, if you took a photo after the work and there's brown, horrible,black stains everywhere, stuff like that, thensend it in, mate. okay? you're never gonna do that, are ya? aaron beckingham, feelso sorry for you, man. you got to the top of the stairs,
and then this happened toyour tool box, unlucky, mate. chris mcdermott turned up to a job to be told that thescaffold isn't finished off, and it was safe to work there. chris, we haven't heardfrom you in a little while, mate, are you okay? now, ecowise constructionsent us through this photo of a two pent cap thatthey made themselves. guys, i haven't done it myself yet,
but let's go online andfind out how much it costs to actually buy a threequarter cap to go in there. i'll bet it's more. nick beard, and thanks ever so much, nick for all the photos you send through. you send through somany, and it's brilliant. send us a message on facebook and we'll have a little chat about how we can rewardyou for what you've done,
thanks ever so much. anyway, have a look at nick'svideo that he sent through here of this beautifulshonky shower installation. jay taylor sent us throughthis photo of #ruderad, what is that doing there? what's that littleinstallation valve doing in the middle of m2. fluid plumbing solutions,as well, sent us through a lovely photo of a #shonkyshower.
so, we've got somelovely jay-jeez-bee-fit, which as we all knowlooks absolutely lovely on installations like this. so, yeah, darren reeves sent us through this photo here of a toilet, right? with a flexible multikwikon the back of it, what is going on? there's another multikwik goingthrough the wall, as well. it gets worse.
darren, please tell meyou fixed that, okay? send us through a photo of the fix, and we'll re-tweet it and send it out on our usual channels, thank you. and of course, bangout on facebook as well 'cause we love banging out on facebook. darren clark went to a boiler where the condense pipefrom the previous installer, he'd obviously just runout of condense on the van.
he was about an inch shortand look how he left it. i mean, i suppose he saidyeah, that's law, that is, you've got to have a tundjust like that there. and the customer waslike, oh alright, okay. dan, i hope you sorted that one out, bruv. allan goldsmith sent us through this photo of a lot of hep pipe in the floor. now, i'm not against firstfixing hep pipe in the floor, but do clip it, please, make it look nice.
don't just leave it like this. benjamin sent us through a lovely photo of this beautiful #flexifriday, oh yeah, look at that. they go up, i mean, really, the rest of the install is quite nice. what i really love about this photo, is that ben's littleface as he concentrates whilst taking this photo has been captured
in the reflection of theunderside of that basin. ben, you're beautiful. weird! david bone sent us through a photo, and a few of you sent thisthrough actually, i think, of a waste that's goingthrough a pvc door. let's hope this is just temporary, they're going to rip the door out and this is just on abig sort of jaw block,
an extension or something. my wife had to deal with the sink actually being on two trestles and then hanging on a load of flexi hep so we could move it around asi was tacking out the ceiling and stuff like that. she loved it. but you're not going to hearanymore from david bone, because he's found out away of preserving himself
inside a council bin. cleer-jah, i don't know ifi've said you're name right, but cleer-jah spelled c-l-e-e-r-e, clear-jah sent us through this video, that we're gonna havea look at a few times, 'cause it's so quick, and yet so brutal. check it out. to be honest, that was my body after the lamb balti ihad a couple of weeks ago.
ronny dog got sent outto one of those jobs, he got sent out to one ofthem little jobby wobs, right? it's a real easy job, it's just an indoor rentcoil, vent it's cylinder, nice and light, you can even take the other one down to the scrap yard. but then you get there and find out that they fitted the cylinder beforehand and then build the cupboard around it.
so, you ended up like this. (sighs) it's one of them ones where you don't know whether to get your hack saw out and just off a little bit of the foam down each side, isn't it? which is a bit naughty. either that or you gottatake the whole door apart. take the frame off and everything.
suddenly, what became a six hour job just become a day and half job. gas care limit sent usthrough this #flexyfriday, hashtag for the bad blood crew! a photo, really, i mean, lovely install. i mean, the actual bathroom, looks great, nice tiling job, niceand neat and everything. who did that at the end there? a double flexi.
and then blair angus sent usthrough another double flexi. and then ding williamson sentus through another flexi. you know what, last week iwas on a job, i was on site, and they said james, can you stop acting like a flamingo, please? i had to put my foot down... no? don thompson, nice little cyst and change. we've all been there, mate, unlucky.
alex rice got called out to this beautiful little bit offloorboard work here. i bet the chip who screwed that down and just heard that hissnoise thought hold on, i better give alex a ring. lovely wiggly waste herefrom sam shepherd, wiggles. do you ever get calledto customer's houses where you turn up and you think, i just don't want to be here.
i don't know if for a startif i'm gonna get paid or not, and also if i touch anything am i gonna die of some random disease or contract worms or something? well, look at the place seandavies got sent to here. stop eating your dinner, alright? put it to one side, 'cause iguarantee you after 10 minutes you're still not gonnawant to eat the rest of it. (eerie music)
oh, have you ever walkedaround a house, you know, and you're walking along andyou just catch your foot, you catch your little toe on something, a little bit like this? (whimsical music) well, antony hall justsent us through this photo. antony, this must have happeneda few times already, right? catching that little toewhen you hit something, it is like the worst pain ever!
oh yeah, guys remember tofollow us on snapchat, as well. i'm just gonna go to snapchat now and just snap this. yeah, we're filming right now. so, follow us on snapchat. ta gas and heating sent usthrough this photo of a #ruderad. obviously, whoever fittedthis radiator before them didn't have any straight trvs. let's face it, if you'd had angled trvs
you could have got away withmaking the apartment look a little bit betterthen what they did here. chris greene, one of those lovely pipes that you see sometimeswhen you're out and about. where the floster is just sortof plastered half of it in, that's gonna be the onethat leaks, isn't it? you just know it, every time. and you'll be up there withyour little sds kang or whatever just taking a little bit out,
so you can your grips aroundthat knot and tighten it up. david roberts, sorry, i cannot do awelsh accent, i'm sorry. but i got sent this through by you first, and then a few others of yousent this through as well. it's of the back of a van, alright? and it is gas heating zone, that's the name of thecompany, gas heating zone. guys, if you're on twitter then you know,
i would love to send you a sticker out or something like that. because, obviouslyinadvertently, you didn't know, and if you did know, itmakes it even better. and that as a viewer, you guys who are viewingthis video right now, if you still don't knowwhat we're on about, you're not old enough to know. go and ask your mom and dad.
really good mates advice,@pbplumber on twitter, if you do get a chance,definitely follow @pbplumber, he's an absolutely lovely ol' boy. anyway, he sent us through a little video of this flue that he found, enjoy. alex michael going to a customer who probably watched a plumber parts video and decided that you shouldfix everything with ptfe. adam conway got sent out to a job, right?
this is one of those ones where whoever was doing the bathroomdidn't speak to the plumber, 'cause usually what you dobefore you tiled that floor, i imagine it's wood underneath,or even if it's concrete, you say i'm getting a radiator in, it's going to be roughly 600 mil wide, so, can you bring your pipes up 600 mil width center please? and then we can tile.
now, this is a marathonof #flexifridays, okay. ben taylor sent this through, i think it's just from australia as well. so, you don't have to worry about anything freezingout there, i don't think. but look how many there are. let's just see, we've got one, two, three. three, and if that'd been uk flexis, just like bath ones,
probably would have got about 10 in there. then bull pryor sent this through, something that would terrify me. if i was washing myhair and then, you know, i was doing the ol' thing, you know, you scared about getting stabbed by some old dude out of psycho. what if you were washing your hair, and looked up and opened your eyes,
and this is what theshower head was made of. (scary music) yes, i think that would bepretty scary, don't you think? you think you've seenone horrible property, well look at the one kevinmchursey got sent to, if that's how you say your name. - [kevin] this is so dangerous. (mud squelches) jacob thompson gave us this beast here.
it does make you realize that, i mean, once you've done the job, i just don't know what happened here. i can't explain it, nonormal gas engineer, or any fitter whatsoever, any installer, would ever finish off theirboiler flue like this, by using a whole tub of fixafide. jason rock, thanks ever somuch for this photo, mate, you sent us this one through.
some lovely flexi and ashonky shower pump as well. really nice to see, mate. i hope you're doing alright, jas, i haven't heard from you in a while, mate. do stay in contact, you know, if there's anything wrong, if you need scrubs then just let us know. also, sometimes it's nice just to lighten up the disasters a bit
by showing you what good work looks like. chris mcdermont sent usthis through this photo of some lovely pipework that he's in the middleof doing at the moment. ronny gochling, all the way from berlin, sent us through this great photo of a little gas boiler install. at the top it looks fine, scroll down and lookat the bottom, oh dear.
john paul white, that tapen-stool is sure clever in some plumbing. we all love a bit of chrome pipework, especially if you've got nice chrome compression fittings as well. and they turned up at a job to find that someone thoughtexactly the same as them, but they didn't know anythingabout how to design pipework. look at that.
david roberts, david, davidroberts sent us through fantastic footage, aerialfootage from his drone camera of some under floorheating that he's fitting. this is so cool, have a look at this. (upbeat, cheerful music) cool, would you look atit, the sun's moved 'round. you wouldn't believe it wasstill, bloody summer, really. i mean, middle of september now, 33 degrees down here at themoment if you're near london.
what i want to do is our firstmonthly amazon prize draw for a plumber who's goingto win an amazon voucher. the only way you can enter this is to be a plumber who is fully registered and paid up to find your plumber. along with all the other perks you get, i'm not going to do the sales spiel. just click on the linkthat's appearing now, you can click on that anytimethroughout this video,
to have a look and getsigned up if you want to. but anyway, this month'swinner, with a big drum roll (imitates drum roll) is robinson heating. (cheering) robinson heating thanks ever so much. great profile there, mate. you've really done well, you filled out your qualifications,
you've done a nice little bio, you've got some great photos there, mate. i hope to see you'll bewinning some work through that. but if not, in the mean time you're still saving moneyon all the great deals, and look, you've just won anamazon voucher as well, mate. now you can go on amazon now, mate, and spend a tenner on your missus. yeah, right.
so, hey guys, just have anice little goosey gander at the marxman pen. number one, i'm really impressed with it. you probably saw them out on dragon's den. deborah made and absolutely loved these, i don't think any of the other dragons really understood 100%what the guy was on about. but i can tell you now, that this is such a handytool, it's incredible.
when it comes to drawinglines and things like that, then you're not going tofind it all that useful. this is much more handywhen it comes to marking up radiator brackets and stuff like that. what we'll do in a sec,we'll just take it through next door where we'vegot our false wall set up and everything, and youcan see how good these are. so then, number one, thegreat thing about them is how easy it is for you actually mark
and probably do a hole. you can just go like that, likethat, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that... the good thing is that youcan wipe them off as well, i mean if there's someplaster board like this, it doesn't matter, but ifit's on a painted thing or on some metal like that,you can make your mark and that'll easily wipeoff never to come back. the great thing about 'em is, this is why,
they've got kind ofnicks our the front here, which means this is a nice little x, so when you press it on awall or anything like that it sprays the chalk out a little bit and leaves a nice littlex marks the spot for you. so, all in all reallyimpressed with the marxman. i love it, i think it'sa really good idea. i think they're gonna gofar if they can do one that starts doing lines
so you can just draw it downa line or something like that and it starts farrowing outthe chalk as you go along, and that would be evenbetter, it'd be so, so cool. there's one other thing wehaven't actually looked at here, but it's the actual ability, the marksmen, to fire out from a distance, like so. see, if you've got a small ora thick piece of wood like so, or something like that where you can't get yourpencil through to the surface,
you can use this little beast just to fire your little mark down there like that. i mean look at that, how good is that? let's pop back outside andsee how you can win one. we've got a great competition this week when you can win one ofthese marxmans, as well. we've got two to give away,i'm gonna keep one for myself, shove that in the toolbox,cause they're that good. alongside one marxman pen we've also got
a nice little phone chargeto give away, as well. this is handy when you'reout in the van or whatever, you're running out of phone charge, this will recharge your phonestraight away from the top. we got this from thelovely guys at ling genie. and also, you'll get aplumber parts sticker in the post as well. all you need to do is head overto either our twitter page, or our facebook page,
you'll find this postat the top of the page. re-tweet or share that, and that's it, you've entered the competition. so, good luck, guys. you can enter that competitionat any time you like. pop over there at the end ofthis video and do it then. - [josh] jacob. (water sprays) anyway, good luck with the competition
that we've got out for you this week. i hope you enjoy it. i hope you've enjoyed thevideo we've done today. we have got a lot of videos coming up. we've got a video comingup with salamander pumps. we're going to be doing somestuff with job man work wear, and they're also going tobe offering some discounts hopefully on the backend of the website for the plumbers that register with us.
along with lee cooper, as well, who ren talks with. anyway, until the next video where i think we'll at firstfixing shower rooms, stuff like that first fixing radiators. please do subscribe to our videos by clicking on the linksappearing right now. follow us over on facebook and twitter. and, of course, if you are a plumber,
click on that link, registerwith us at find your plumber, you could win an amazon voucher. we've got a monthly drawthere as you now know. keep on sending yourphotos and videos in, guys. without you lot out there,we would be nuttin', as you all well know. but anyway, thanks so much for watching, and i'll see you in our next video. remember everyone, to hold tight!
jess lucas and a few others, jess lucas and a few other view... (mumbles) jess lucas and a few others out there, jess lucas and few out there, so, anyway, adam barrettwas working 'round at the local vicarage, and as we all know, mostvicars are insanely frisky, or at least this one was
because look what we found under vicar loves to tickle-uh? swiggles of wiggles. ronny gochsling, all the way from berlin (foreign language) follow him... look you juststay there you scum bag! why get annoyed with inanimate objects? you, you stay there! (buzzing sound)
this is what i do in the middle of rush. let it go a lot more chances. oh, lovely.
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