[0:00:00]gentlemen, antonio here. all right. today, i’m going to talk aboutthe five rules that men can follow to make sure that they wear a ring properly. manyof you guys, you’re perhaps getting a family heirloom, maybe you just graduated from collegeand you want to wear your class ring, perhaps you’re about to get married and you’venever worn a ring before and you’re wondering how is this going to fit into my wardrobe.gentlemen, these rules are for you and once you understand them, you can bend them, youcan break them, you can use them as you wish. now, let me just start off really quick withmy wedding ring. i wear it on my right hand and it is the number one question i get onyoutube comments. i have people go to my contact
form they’re like, “antonio, do you flipyour videos? why are you wearing it on your right hand, you know, what’s the reasonbehind it?†the story is in 2004, i married my wife in kiev, ukraine in ukrainian orthodoxchurch and for year-and-a-half wore it on my right hand. came to the united states andit was until – i didn’t even think about it really until people at my mba program askedme, “antonio, why do you do that? why do you this? and it’s kind of funny, now, ienjoy it as conversation starter, i know my why. gentlemen, use these five rules so thatyou can send a statement so that you can enjoy wearing your rings. all right?so, rule number one is understand that any ring you wear is going to send a meaning whetherit’d be engagement, whether it’d be wedding,
whether it’d be affiliation, whether it’dbe a sign of wealth. and, yes, historically rings were worn to show wealth and your positionin society. understand that every ring you decide to wear on your hand because of itsprominent place on your hands people will see it people will make a judgment.now, if you’re out interviewing and you like to wear a lot of rings, maybe one that,you know, you end up looking like a mafia godfather. understand that if you’re interviewingin a conservative industry, the person interviewing you may not say anything, but you’re basicallyat the mercy of their judgment and their personal beliefs. and that’s the thing with ringsis you’ve got to understand everyone’s got an opinion about them, most people hopefullyare open-minded, but many people are going
to have their prejudices their stereotypesand they may pigeonhole you into that. so, understand rings send a message, understandwhat yours are sending. point number two, have confidence. in anyring you’re going to wear make sure you wear it with confidence. so, you’re goingto be wearing maybe a family crest. it’s been handed down to you, understand the history,understand how you can wear it effectively and then do so. so, family crest actuallytraditionally worn on the index finger, you can wear them on the ring finger if you’renot married, you can wear them over on your right hand. and today, i’m not going toget into hand sides. guys, i’ve got a support article here, i’m going to go into moredetail on that particular subject, so go check
it out.but, guys remember wear it with confidence. you may be asking me, “antonio how do ido that? i’ve never worn a ring before. i’m in a conservative, you know, maybe partof the world.†okay. so, start wearing it for yourself initially and then, wear it aroundfriends and family. maybe it could be a class ring that you’re just not used to wearingyou’re about to graduate let’s say from annapolis at the naval academy there. and,so start wearing it around your friends, wear it in an environment where it’s going tobe accepted and then, you could start to wear it out. the key with wearing a ring especiallyone that goes beyond wedding rings is to wear it with confidence and then it becomes a conversationstarter.
now, that takes us to rule number three whichis basically proportion. so, pay attention if you have large hands, you can wear largerings. smaller rings are going to look a little bit off on you, but if you have smaller hands,you’re going to want to avoid overly sized rings especially if you’re getting one handeddown to you or if you’re going to get a class ring. those tend to be a little bitlarger maybe one if you’re part of the mason lodge or something like that. just make surethat you go for one that is going to be in proportion to your hands. smaller hands smallerrings, larger hands larger rings. pretty simple. now, let’s get to balance. balance is differentthan proportion. balance is actually wearing pieces and wearing jewelry in a sense to balanceout. so, if you’re going to have one ring
maybe consider wearing your watch on the oppositeside. if you’re going to bring in another ring i could probably add a ring over hereand then, if i – or if i – i could even have two rings on this side because i’mwearing the watch. what you want to avoid is having your watch, five rings on one handand then the other hand completely without anything. so, that goes with balance, braceletscan help with this, just understand that it all works together and that takes us to rulenumber five which matching metals. you don’t have to exactly match metals.some guys decide to go for a ring that actually has a bit of gold and silver in it. me, personallyi’m a silver man. i am – i would say i’m cool tone in general, i can look at my armsand i can see i’ve got – i can see my
blue veins in here, that to me is an indicator.also, i naturally have always gravitated towards silver, platinum, things like that.[0:05:00] so, all of my metals i like to match up. ifyou’re going to be a gold man and you like warmer tones, then go ahead and go for gold.now, mixing them up a bit just to understand that to make it a little bit more complicated,it’s just something that if you understand the rule, i like to keep it simple, but ifyou want to break it, go for it. so, we’ve talked about the five rules and,again, i go into more detail in the article here. now, let me talk about the symbolismand the meaning for each finger. now, i also have another video here, i’ve talked aboutthis a couple of years ago, i go into a lot
of detail in this video. however, quicklyi’m going to go over it now. so, the thumb, the thumb is traditionallysymbol to your character. and, you know, so if you have a straight thumb straight character,too crooked of a thumb you are actually believed to be crooked. now, when it comes to rings,rings on the thumb are very rare. they used to historically if you go back to asia, whenevera bowman who would pull back on the string of a bow, he actually used to have a thumbring which would help him do that. but, nowadays very rare, if you do wear one on your thumb,it’s considered to be more of a creative feel, you know, if you want to bring thatin. but, being on your thumb it may feel a little bit odd, so it would be something you’regoing to want to get used to.
now, let’s get to the pinky. the pinky isassociated with the god mercury. it’s also associated with intelligence. so, that ifyou want to wear a pinky finger, that could be something that you could bring in somethingthat maybe has a small family crest on it. now, for some reason it’s associated with,you know, crime bosses and mafia, i don’t know i wasn’t able to find, you know, itmaybe something that they picked up. i think a man can wear it tastefully. they key withthese two fingers and why i started with them now is that they’re on the edges of thehand. anything you wear here will be easier to see and therefore will be a little bitflashier, so i like to keep them down a little bit.now, let’s talk about the index finger.
traditionally, this was a finger that manynoblemen; kings, dukes, you know, senators, they would wear rings on this finger. it isthe finger of power and is associated with the god jupiter, hence the king of the gods.i think if you’re going to wear a class ring or if you’re going to wear a familyring, this is also a ring you can consider. you could also wear on the same hand and itwill be a bit balance, you’ll have a little bit of space between them.now, let’s get to the middle finger. this is associated with saturn and it really standsabout for – for basically being balanced. now, let’s get to the ring finger. the ringfinger traditionally in western – in western world, the left hand has been associated withromanticism with the moon. it’s also associated
with creativity. again, i, you know, eastorthodox church ukraine i wear it over here, but for most of people in north america, they’regoing to wear it over here their wedding ring. you also see sometimes engagement rings. now,i know a lot of you guys have more questions about, okay, antonio, types of rings, metals,stones, all of those details, i’m going to go into more detail right here in thisarticle, go check it out. and, guys let me know what you think in thecomments. i would love to hear from you what are your thoughts on rings: should men beable to wear multiple rings? do you wear multiple rings? i would love to hear from you guys.i’ll see you in the comments. take care. see you in the next video.[0:08:23] end of audio
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