someone said that tv serialsare like rubber bands. there never break even afterstretched very far. but even rubber bandsbreak after a point. and when that point came. . ..the tv serial peoplethought that.. ..something new needed to be done. our producers have createda lot of programs. and they know that creatingsomething new. . . . means putting oldwine in a new bottle.
the producers said that he wouldmake a reality tv show. that means making atv show in real life. but l would make the showon the issue of marriage. the channel readily acceptedhis proposal. who would have a problem withthe issue of marriage? neither the ones who show itnor the ones that see it. the date that the show wouldappear on tv was decided. then they realised that it wasnot the season of marriage. they searched here and there andfinally came across family..
. . where a marriage was fixed. and that was the familyof the joshis. why didn't you have yourfood even today, mother? don't worry about me.l shall not die. 'would you remain hungry tilljyoti gives birth to a son?' 'what is this madness, mother? you should marry a second time. uncle, move aside!- what happened? just move to a side.- yes, l am going.
'did you ever think whatjyoti did for our family? did you think about here. 'mother! jyoti is my wife..' my god! what an evil-soundingvoice! - lt is some dog. hi snoopy! have you come? 'then select who you want.' why doesn't someone drive it away?lt is crying in a house.. ..where a marriage isabout to take place. where did you go, my cutie?where did you go, my child?
who are you talking to,brother-in-law? she is my child, my daughter. where did you go, my child? so you have a daughter withouteven getting married! what happened to you? what is this? your child is pregnant,brother-in-law! congratulations! you have become a grandfatherwithout even getting married. father, your food. what are these? - 'potatoes withcurd?' - potatoes with curd?
do you like potatoes with curd? 'l like potatoes withcurd very much' but now l cannot takecurd which is sour. 'l know it. you have theproblem of acidity. that is why l madeit with plain curd' 'how lovingly would motherprepare it for you?' with a lot of love! these potatoes are still raw.- raw?! - yes. 'very unripe father! hislove is very unripe.
raw! father! the potatoes aren't haven't put your teeth on. 'he is one character on theinside and another outside' at every moment. how can l eat without my teeth? hey! give me my teeth. there a first class scene is goingon and you are pestering.. for your teeth. just wait a couple of minutes.
when the break comes, l shallget up and give them. your mother used totake good care of me. now when she is no more lfeel her loss in my life. she is very much alive. butl still feel her loss. my dear daughter-in-law! why don't you look in mypouch for them? - okay. manoj! what is the time foruncle's train to arrive? are you listening or not? -will you break my ear drums? father! your teeth are not in here.
my teeth aren't there? hello,where are my teeth? now don't pester me. l haven't taken a contractto preserve your teeth. but how can l eat my food? auntie, give him his teeth.he must be hungry. you don't keep quieteven for two minutes. always asking for thisthing and that. l don't know how you shallmanage if l were to die.
they aren't here. wheredid you put your teeth? l gave them to you only. you gave me?- yes. - when did you give me? l gave them to you aftermy lunch this afternoon. lunch this afternoon? - yes. -but that we had in the train! yes, that's right. wehad lunch in the train. my god! did you forget yourteeth in the train? so you left my teeth in the train! come fast. the band party is here.
where is so much noise coming from? hold on! stop all this. what is all this? - the bride'sparty sent them. - why? for your approval. they said thata band of 12 men would come.. ..and we could rejectif we didn't like them. so would they ask us evenregarding the band? okay, it is done. tellthem that we like it. he didn't even hear them playbut gave his approval.
but when are you supposedto go to the station? when does the train arrive? l have to go in the morning.the train is six hours late. l have inquired. no one ever reaches in time. lsthe driver there or is he gone? l shall go and getthem in a taxi. -okay. - what is this? - what? what is this? -these are my glasses! lt is already night. are you blind?
lt is an occasion ofmarriage. - take them off! and go to the station andwait for them there. he wants to become a heroby wearing glasses. tolerate him. uncle, please tell them to playthe song from 'tere naam' hey! you shall hear abuses frominside. - only one song, manoj uncle! jai, get inside the house.- only one song, mommy. let them play it. otherwisehe shall not let us go. play then! which one?- 'tere naam'.
hey! you dashed into my vehicle. you gave the signal to turnright but turned left! do you have a license todrive your vehicle? hey! don't use swear words. l am not using them on you, sir. don't use them at all.ladies are here. hey! take it off the way.- he doesn't listen to me. rakesh! how far isour house from here? uncle, my name is manoj.
whatever! let's leave thistaxi and go walking. wait a minute, uncle!let me see to it. uncle! uncle!- get down! get down all of you. how decent are the peopleliving in mumbai!. uncle. - lf this were to happen inbihar you can't imagine. . ..whatwould have happened by now. take out your luggage.we shall go walking. uncle! - so uncle,are you from bihar? how much should we pay you?- even l too am from bihar, uncle.
rakesh.. - but who is rakesh? rakesh, take theluggage out. - listen.. but who is rakesh?- uncle! you are really angry. hey! bihar is being defamedbecause of people like you. rakesh, take the luggage out. uncle, my name is manoj.- whatever.. listen, isn't even younger sonof suresh, who was born even.. ..after a vasectomy? speak in a low voice. he mighthear. - what if he hears?
lf he was born after a vasectomy,then that is it. you?- me? l'm sorry. - lt's okay. shall l get up?- yes! please get up.- sorry. please do it fast, rakesh! my name is not rakesh. you go!- excuse me, can you tellme where this house is? this house..!
and you?- asmi! sister-in-law - sister-in-law- sister-in-law asmi! l am asmi but notyour sister-in-law! lf you were supposed to comeyesterday. - yes, that is true. but l had some urgent work and so..- what urgent work?! you should have made a phone callto me and l would have come.. take you. uncle sheis sister-in-law asmi! go and touch of his feet,sister-in-law. the old man is very touchyand takes umbrage quickly.
go and touch his feet. go now! go! his feet? - yes, touch them. -otherwise he shall feel bad. go now! bend! bend!- may you live long! and she is our eldest auntie.touch her feet. and she is ritu. you neednot touch her feet. hi.- hi aunty! - aunty? lt is good that you havecome, sister-in-law. lt is very good. - notsister-in-law! not sister-in-law! what do you mean?- asmi yes, sister-in-law no!
yes, you told me even on the phonenot to call you sister-in-law. since you are younger in age. sister-in-law, this isthe house of marriage. there are many elders here. lf l don't address a sister-in-lawas sister-in-law then. . . .l shall be thrown out of thehouse. uncle, there is our house. where is it? - lt must bethat one. - there it is. which one are you talking about?- you walk on, we shall find it. but.. - you too come on.
this uncle from bihar doesn'tlook as old as he really is. he dyes his hair. he doesa 100 situps every morning. and he is so energetic. . ..that kamasutra is his favouritebook even at this age. but how come sister-in-lawasmi is here? brother must have said. . . . that if he came himself,he would be skinned. that is why he sentsister-in-law so as to cool.. ..the tempers of the people here.- how is brother, sister-in-law?
listen.. - okay, pick it up. but, l am.. l have no problem, sister-in-law.pick it up! you ran away and married in acourt. l have no problem with that. l suggest that one must marrythe person he or she loves. lnitially the people inour house may scold you. bear it for a while. comeand meet all of them. come and meet all the familymembers one after the other. come on, come sister-in-law!please come in.
come here all of you. l went to bring one guestbut returned with. . guess who has come. - who has come? some stranger must have come.but l don't know. lt is sister-in-lawasmi that has come. no, l am asmi but not. . dead. mother! mother! don't cry.- how can l not cry?
this girl has estranged my son and. my god! l did see the faceof my son since two years. mother! be quiet. they wentto a court and got married. don't be afraid, is all a drama. she shall become normal soon. why are you standing quiet?why don't you say something? what can l say? my teeth werelost in the train itself.
what happened? - youonly tell me, brother! my respects!- go and wash your face first. listen. l am not yoursister-in-law. l am asmi but not.. sister-in-law, please! thesituation might go worse. for god's sake why don'tyou understand? l'm not your sister-in-law. l understand, sister-in-law!l understand. but right now l have to call asister-in-law a sister-in-law. to hell with your sister-in-law!l'm not your sister-in-law!
hey god! ls she now going toreject even the relationship? she has snatched a sonfrom his mother. now will she keep quiet. . ..only after breaking whateverrelationship is left? you are mistaking me.l am asmi, asmi ganatra. yes.- not asmi sister-in-law. yes, but.. -shut up! and l did notcome from delhi. l stay right here in mumbai. l am a tv director.
what is that? l make tv serials.- what serial auntie? auntie?!.. l make them buthaven't made any so far. l mean.. - she hasn't made any! l mean, l'm going to make a newserial. lt is about you people. we are going to make 13 episodesabout this marriage. and that they do serial is aired. . ..all of you shall becomecelebrities.
all overnight! what shall we become? which city?- publicity, uncle! we shall become famous. what would you doby becoming famous? l ask you what you wouldgain by becoming famous? shall your milkmangive you free milk? or shall you get free rationat the grocery store? l ask you what you shall achieveby becoming famous. uncle, in today's world everyonewants to become famous.
how can l talk to you, madam?l don't even know you. nephew, you only answer her.she is your guest. you only tell her. uncle, what should l. . whydo you stammer like that? speak out your heart. l.. l.. l.. like a goat! please give me an autograph!- where should l do it? anywhere!
treatment for prickly heat! justone autograph of shekhar joshi! lt's okay. l give my approval. what happened? whyare you so anxious? why shouldn't l be anxious? show their marriages onthe tv. don't these.. ..t.v. people havemothers and sisters? show their marriages on the tv.and look at this son of suresh. he didn't even think about therespect of the house.. .. and gave his consent.
that is because he thinks he willbecome famous.. .. by appearing on the tv. all of us shall become famous- why would you become famous? the bride is his daughter, heis the bride's father and his.. ..wife is the bride's mother. they only will be in focus allthe time. you shall appear.. . . standing here and there likean extra with.. .. a rose turban on your head.
they will be the real stars. so what? they too aremembers of our family. who is seeking your opinion? you don't have teethbut say big things. lf we don't do anything then thisson of suresh put us to.. ..shame in public. l went here and there. l don'tknow where all l went okay stop! hi, this is ritu joshi and letus first meet the bride.
the marriage party moves aheadfollowed by the marriage band the groom has arrived,o bride open the door knock! knock! open the door! hi, this is ritu joshi and themarriage is after four days. decorate your handsand the palanquin your love is goingto come to take you so, how are you feeling ma'am?- feeling like shit! so that's how our bride feelstoday. she feels shitty! shitty shitty bride!
hey sister! you lack in glamoura bit. - yeah? - yeah! one minute, check this. why do you exclaim like that?this is their bread and butter. that is what l say. these have been earning moneysinfully and lost their religion. l've telling lies for fortyyears in bhagalpur. they say that suresh has become. . . . a rich man in mumbaiand ask me what he does. what should l tell them?
that he makes undergarments ofladies? my head hangs in shame whenl think of the questions they ask. what does he do?! we just tell them thathe does cloth business. but if one earns money immorally. . ..there will be sin in one's life. just see what his son did. he shall throw the prestige ofhis house to the streets in.. of fame.
this has come from here.- lt is not mine. hi! this is ritu joshi and now weshall talk to the eldest.. ..granduncle of the bride. grandpa, how do you feel onthis occasion? - lt's like.. grandpa, what is that in your hand?- lt is granny's bra! grandpa! that room is kept for you. we are going back. where to?
our home. we cannot stayhere any longer. - but why? what a question! we value ourprestige more than anything else. what happened now, uncle? we came here.. . . planning to attend the marriageof our granddaughter. here we learnt. . that what you are doing is notthe marriage of your daughter.. ..but a tv serial. please forgive me.
lf l go home people will say thathe went to attend a marriage.. . . but has returned afterperforming in a drama. how should l answer them? elder brother says the right thing. we too shall not stayfor the marriage. won't we stay? but my teeth aregoing to be delivered tomorrow. ln that case you may stay back withyour teeth. but l shall go. but uncle, how can this marriagewith performed without.. ..elders attending it?
no one shall go anywhere. whatever is the opinion ofthe elders in this house. . ..shall be binding on everyone. shekhar, call that tv woman. lt was so simple! so simple,like a piece of cake. l just told them that they wouldbecome stars and be famous.. ..and that 45 crore homesall over the world.. not 45 but 47 crores..470 million homes ..and that 47 crore homes all overthe world shall watch the..
..marriage in your home. l knew it was a wonderful idea.l knew it from the beginning. your mind is great, darling! super idea!- but that was.. my idea! hello l am asmi speaking. mr. joshi! tell me. what? ! but why? the reputationof your family?
but how can this? . . that's okay! but you.. but l.. but you andyour commitment.. hello! hello! what happened? they rejected theidea. - what?! what?! - what?! lt seems that some membersof the family didn't agree. l knew it. l knew it damn guys are so incompetent! absolutely incompetent!
we shall give the showto someone else. we shall do that just today.- no! l shall do something. l knew it! l said that such a big show cannotbe handled by a first-time director. l said that.- you certainly did. - damn! you knew the profileof your audience. - yes.. did you go there wearingthese clothes? l mean, you go to meet atraditional lndian family wearing.. ..these cloths?
no wonder, they don't relate toyou. are you julia roberts? - yes.. are you demi moore?- no! the show is about an lndianmarriage and you go there as if.. just returned from england! i will do something. what shall you do? give me just one day.- given! you are given a day's time. okay, one day. and yourtime starts now! okay, we shallgive you a new offer.
ls this a fish market thatyou came to bargain? bargain. this girl is really.. - why is he staring at me like a frog? we shall bear half the expensesof this marriage. l look okay. - she looks lovely. don'tthink about her. she is much higherthan your standard.
we shall save a lot of money.- really? lf they bear half the expenses... means that we shallsave at least 20 lakhs hey why are you murmuringthere like a woman? say it aloud before all. l am just saying uncle that. . can l think of goingagainst your wishes? okay, we shall bearthe entire expense. he became a frog again!
l don't know why thisold man is itchy. won't everyone feel nice if sucha beautiful girl is around.. ..for the marriage? then grandfather of the bridehas made up his mind. lsn't it suresh?- yes. give sweets to the producer andsend them off. rakesh? manoj.- yes. suresh has so many sons thatit is difficult to remember.. ..their names.
give them sweets.- what? - sweets! - okay. l too shall dance. - l practicedtoo. - chances l do, uncle? there won't be any shooting.- oh no! - oh yes! lt would have been enjoyableif it was there. - yes. sister-in-law, give me some sweets.- l shall get them just now. hi, this is ritu joshi! lt istime for me to say goodbye. listen to this song now. we shall meet again for the nextshow. see you! - see you! the desires of my heart werewashed away as tears..
they have left.- uncle, sweets. - they have left. they must be just outside.- go and give them the sweets. this is a marriage house.there must be sweets. there are many in thehouse to eat sweets. listen! listen! what did l do to you? l was just going to offeryou these sweets. how strange you people are! you first cheat andthen offer sweets.
you look lovely in these clothes. lf you take off your hand,l shall get up. oh sorry! get up..! - l know how to get up. l too know how make people get up. here.- l shall pick them up myself. my hands are not dirty.see this. see this. take this. why don't you coversome other marriage? this is not the marriage season.
you mean there is noother family in mumbai? there is, but we need a marriagein a joint family. and yours is the only home wheresuch a marriage is happening. what shall you do now? how doesit matter to you? - l just asked.. what can l do? thiswas my first chance. now they will dismiss me. l too shall quit everythingand get married. l think this industry in not for me.
had this been my marriage, l wouldhave given you my consent. whom should l marry? there isn't anyone. have these sweets. lt is notmy marriage but my niece's. thank you. bye! come pauji! make it fast. everyoneis clamoring for snacks. bring the orange one for me,please. hey brother-in-law! whoare you dreaming about?
nothing special, sister-in-law.just as usual. lt is not usual. you were smiling. l was just looking atthe women and smiling. oh god! who were you smilingat? let me see. ls it that woman inthe purple saree? that woman as a husband and twochildren. l shall murder you! ln that case you musttell it yourself. otherwise, we arenew to your city. . ..and shall fix your marriagewith some such woman.
sister-in-law, who wouldwant to marry me? l am good for nothingdid not complete college. . l'm going to have to live lifeas a bachelor. - why so? ask me and l shall bring three orfour matches for you right away. go sister-in-law! otherwise the snacks toowill become old like me. sister-in-law, l too like someonebut ... ...she is out of my reach. asmi ganatra, juhu scheme!
oh no! this sticker hascome here too! hi! why are you looking like this?- nothing. did they dismissyou from work? did you come this far justto ask this question? no, l ... ...came regarding somework that l have with you what is that work? should we just stand hereand talk about it? l stay alone in this house.
so, if any guess arrives, do yousend them off from outside itself? come in. oh! this fell down there.thanks! thanks! your house is.. - good. l knowit. thanks all the same. l was about to say somethingelse. your house is. . is a little small. what have you got to do with that?you shall get space to sit. yes, l can see that." " but if l sit,l become a little nervous.
but anyway, thanks all the same. why don't you go now? shallyou keep standing here? what l came for is.. l have an idea. do you get ideas too? l get only ideas. l get a lot ofideas but no one listens to me. lf you listen to me your workwill be done and.. may bemy work too may be done. l shall change my clothes and come.- no, even this way will do. what do you mean?
l mean why bother about clothes, l will tell you my idea as you are. stupid! we shall go to meet theproducer, outside. - okay. stupid! wah! very interesting idea!- yeah, very interesting! l knew that you wouldlike this idea. l was thinking since some time. . . . how to solve this problem. and then suddenly l got this idea.
who got this idea? for this you have to talkto someone in that house. l'm talking to you onlyafter doing that. this means that we have alreadytalked to someone in that.. about this. - yes ma'am. very smart!- thank you, ma'am. what happened to you?you were not like this. l was always like this. but l never got the opportunityto show you my talent.
okay, start working on this. but remember, this time thereshould be no problems. absolutely ma'am, they won'tbe any problem at all. all the best!- all the best! thank you ma'am! thank you ma'am! how can you do this? you took myidea but claimed to be yours. my idea! we need to do that sometimes,brother. one grows big only bystealing others' ideas.
and we shall compensateyou, my friend. ln return for your help. . ..we shall give you, how much..- fifty.. - fifty thousand. fifty? fifty? five lakhs.- five lakhs? don't say that my friend. fivelakhs! even the idea for sholay. ..would not have fetchedsuch a price. didn't you say to my brother thatyou would bear half the.. ..expenses for the marriage?
lf you have 3 lakhs, give methat and settle the issue. explain him this asmi. tell him. that offer was made fora public shooting. but your idea was to do it secretly. my idea? now has it become my idea? oh my god! - now is this my idea?has it become my idea now? come in.- so now it has become my idea. hi kavita!- oh, what happened? the channel liked our idea.- our idea?!
our idea? our idea!- no, it's your idea. so it is once again my idea. l'm kavita. l am the writerof this serial. writer?! what is theneed for a writer? what do l need to do now? nothing! you mustjust ensure that. . when our man comes tonight to fitthe cameras, they is no problem. what sort of problem? - our men willcome to your house with five cameras. they will put them in such secretplaces that no one shall..
..come to know of them. but let us assume that, god forbid,someone in your house.. ..comes to know of it. then it is your responsibilityto rein him in. - okay! okay. who shall operate these cameras? l mean,who will do the recording? asmi and kavita willdo the recording. then l have a condition too.- what is it? then l too shall do the recording.
why? just to see what allyou are recording. we are recording the marriage.what else? how can l know? how can l know?you may record just anything. what if you may record my brotherand sister-in-law in a.. ..romantic mood?- oh god! we are not making a blue film ofyour brother and sister-in-law. don't talk vulgar things aboutmy brother and sister-in-law. they are not people of that type.
suppose you make some such thingand sell it in the market. where shall l go and who shalll turn to? you only tell me. okay, l agree to your condition.- but.. asmi, just think that he isthe censor of our film. but.. - do you want to dothe recording or not? ln that case tell him to applyscent and sit next to me. lt is insulting to a flower toapply scent and sit next to it. and it is also an insult to oneselfto sit next to a fool.. you.
lt will be a very good combinationof this fool and that flower. fool and flower! oh god! the power supply is off! but there is power everywhere else. did you pay the electricitybill or not? oh yes, l am the son-in-law ofthe electricity department.. ..and get electricity for free. walk carefully! mynew teeth are there. l ask you why don't you keepyour teeth in your mouth?
what happened? be careful!light something! does a marriage houselook good when dark? how can l light anything?nothing can be seen. ls there anyone here? what will anyone say if they see us? how will they see us?there is no light here. come on. manoj! manoj! manoj! - be careful! - ohgod! my leg is broken! someone is incognito,someone is infamous
who knows who it is.. where is piya gone? sheis nowhere to be seen. she must be dreamingabout her groom. my boy rakesh, when will it come? my name is manoj, uncle! manoj! whatever.. when will yourelectrician come? get lost! then they have to behave like kids. someone is taking advantageof the darkness.
listen! even shalu is havingan affair! ls that true?- yes. how strange! there islight in every house. lt is only our house thatis completely dark. someone is coming? who is it? wait a minute! why were you so late? sir! we went round this area threefour times.. ..but couldn't find your house.
come on,replace the fuse quickly. everyone is sittingin the courtyard. lt is very suffocating in there. by the way why are you dressedlike fire fighters? they gave these costumes only, sir.- come on, move quickly. quick. lt is finished.- thank god! what has finished, rakesh?nothing has happened. my name is.. lt is manoj and not rakesh,uncle.
shut up. l too said that only. here we go. superb! wow! this is so amazing.fantastic! yes! yes! wow. keep your eyes open, sir. otherwise we might recordwrong things. l want you people thinkthis house as yours.
and my family as your family. this fellow is going to eatinto our brains sitting here. wow! that's very interesting. neeraj! zoom the camera on piya. camera number?- three. stop there! what's the idea? see this. a girl! a beautiful girl!
what might she be thinking. ..sitting in front of the mirror? what does she think?may be she is hungry. she wasn't given food till now. please! stop your flop jokes.we are working. what if we make a montageof this bride? sometimes sitting in front ofthe mirror, thinking something. sometimes looking out of window sometimes dreaming in the dark.
sometimes.. sometimes removing dandrufffrom her hair. sometimes blowing her nose. sometimes washing her hands aftercoming out of the toilet. this man is impossible. why? - you and your sick jokes. thank you, very much. the different formsof a beautiful bride. her dreams, her happiness. .
and we can play a songon this montage. why does my mind fly awaysomewhere frequently these days? why does it leave me and flyaway to someone else's home? this house and these surroundingsshall bid me goodbye they say that l shall belongto somewhere else why is then everyone so happy? can someone explain this to me? this heart of mine sees mypredicament but says nothing why did you go for shoppingwith my friend?
so what? one second. what is happening there?- you are impossible. you don'thave time for your wife. but do you have time toroam with girl friend? neeraj! lncrease the sound. aren't you ashamed to do all this.. front of your familymembers, rishabhh? so what? l say, so what. what do you mean by so what?
what is the need for you to goto shopping with my friend? okay, you wentto shopping with her. but what is the need for youto pay for her clothes? what is this? tell me. what did you buy for me onthe 13th of last month? a credit card statementdoes not lie, rishabh. she ran out of money. thatis why l paid the bill. she is wooing you and youare encouraging her? then go and deal with your friend.why are you eating my brain?
what is in her? what is in her thatyou became crazy about her? all men are alike. what do you think? do you think that l willlet you go so easily? l am not going to let you goso easily. do you understand? what will you do? what will you do? my god! she gave a resounding slap! so a complete family soapis going on in your home. extra marital affair!
ls that whyyou wanted to be the censor. all of us are naked in thepaths of life, madam. the only difference is that thewindows of my house are open.. ..and yours are not. the dialog is very good. still l have to learna lot from you. what is happening there? where?- look there. she is pauji, the maidservant of our house.
then why is doing breakdance behind that wall? break, dance. hey! look here. cool down! nothing will happen. seems that everyone's truenature will become public. the family is with you. who is he?- calmn down. he.. i said he with you.. my third brother. why is he crying? crying! he stays with his in-laws. he stays at his wife's house. when he is beaten there,he comes here and cries. when his wife beats him up,why does he still live there? because he gets beaten herealso. may be he likesto be beaten up by wife rather..
..thanby his brother and sister-in-law. he is like a football. he receivesthe kicks of both the teams. write it down, kavita.write it down. write down everything. youare not going to get.. ..the experience of sucha hit family soap again. hello! wow! great! this ideawas actually very good. did you get anything interesting? so interesting that all othertv serials shall appear..
..spice-less before this. really!- yes. - come on. congratulations, asmi! yourdream is going to come true. thank you.- congratulations. you too.- na! wow! this is nice. very nice!- no no, wait. did you see? l brokeit with one shot. sister-in-law! please come with me fora minute. - what happened?
what is thematter, brother-in-law? l want to tell you somethingabout brother. ls it about maid-servant's matter? do you know that? men's disloyalty cannotremain hidden from women. we get the smell of it soon enough. and this is not thefirst time either. at dehradun also many times. . lnitially l used to feel bad.
but now l am habituated to it. when he touches me in the night, lfeel like he loves someone else. what were you doingwith my brother? does he forcefully do itor did you seduce him? no, manoj sir! why would l.. he is the one who always woos me. listen! the next time he tries to dosomething, wherever it might be. . give him a big slap.
me? how can l do that? why are you scared whenl am telling you? hit him with such a force thateveryone should hear the sound. l shall take care of the rest. none of the family members got anydoubt about the secret cameras. but someone in the neighborhoodsaw our van and.. ..filed a report atthe police station. stop! stop! hey!
yes, sir! - l feelsomething is wrong here. nothing can be seen inside. sir! l think that this mightbe a terrorists' van. so what? - so what? - letus see. - let us see. you do one thing. makethem open the door. are you serious about it, sir? sir! l won't go there alone.what if they shoot me? am l going to stay quietif they start firing? l shall also shoot to cover you.
lf l depend on your cover,my back will be broken. lnspector mohit shinde!- yes, sir. government gives medals onlyafter death. - yes, sir. late mohit shinde, paramaveera chakra. so don't be afraid.- yes, sir. go and make them open the door.- yes, sir. but please try to it thatl don't get the medal, sir. l will try my level best. come on! come on!
one minute, sir. there is no door. everythingis sealed. let's go home. what are you saying?- nothing, sir! come on, let us go. you should have some common sense. that is the door. thisis a terrorist van. door is on the other side. go! yes, sir! yes, sir! yes, sir! hail hanuman! epitomeof knowledge! hail kapish! who lightensthe three worlds!
hail lord hanuman. open the door.- police! lmmediately call ourproducer. quick! sir! two policemen aremoving around the van. l hope you took the permissionfor shooting. didn't you? o my god! what will happen now? o my god! please save us.- open the door. "please help us.we are very sorry, god. "
"l don't want to go to jail." we are very sorry, god! pleasedon't send me to jail. please save me. please help us, god! please forgive me, god!"- don't scare. sorry, god.o my god! what is going to happen now? what happened?- l think l was shot, sir. what? - send my motherto take the medal, sir.
definitely! where were you shot? lt must be somewherehere only, sir. you were not shot. theshout came from inside. who shouted then? l think someoneinside was shot, sir. but who fired the bullet? the bullet you fired to coverme might have injured someone. but l didn't shoot. didn't you shoot? - no. didn'tyou really shoot? - no.
while l risked my life there,didn't you shoot at all? behave yourself.- why didn't you shoot? l would have died there,you know? do one thing. go and open the door. l am not a gate keeper togo and open it always. you go and do it if you have guts. don't talk about guts. you are a junior andbehave like a junior. l shall go now. cover me.
l shall cover you as you covered me. lnspector shinde! - yes, sir. that's an order. - yes, sir. hands up! what's happening? what's all this? yes, yes, we.. that, yes, yes... that... we are from the anti-corruptionbureau. anti-corruption bureau?!
yes, she is officer asmi! we are here to watch out forcorruption in this area. who indulges in corruption here?- people are there. you don't know.but we keep an eye on them. do you have any proof tosupport your statement? proof! officer asmi! pleaseshow him. you please wait. just show him. switch on the tv. show him.
did you see? we arewatching you also. lf you take any bribe, yourreport will be sent to your.. ..higher officials instantly. officers, relax. relax! these days the world is movingquite fast, lnspector. you are still using motorcyclesbut we are using technology. on the spot. okay! - put your hands down. l think you haveidentity cards.
officer asmi! please make acall to police commissioner. no, leave it. don't take it too far.- lt's alright. you make the call. what can he do? that is his duty. even the driving license willdo if not the identity card. you wait, sir. we will show youidentity cards in just a moment. sir! this is officermanoj speaking, sir. yes, sir. thank you, sir.yes, fine sir. there is an lnspector here.. what is your name?- what is there in the name?
sir! kande, sir. rohit kande. he is asking us for ouridentity cards, sir. l tried to convince him,sir. l tried a lot. but he is asking us to bringour ration cards. would you liketo talk to him, sir? he is shouting! come on, speak! switch it off. l understood.- don't you want to talk? sir! l understood that you arefrom corruption bureau.. ..the moment l saw your faces.
from the corrupt bureau.. fromthe anti-corruption bureau. why wouldn't l understandyour words, sir? first take the phone. sir! he is sayingthat he understood. yes, without you talking to himhe understood the matter. his name is kande, sir. rohit kande. okay, sir. sorry for the trouble,sir. thank you, sir.jai hind!
sir!- jai hind, sir! what is this, sir? l was bored standing alone here. by the way what are the demandsof those terrorists? they are not terrorists.they are nice people. they have a lot of respect for me.- okay. but don't take any bribestill this van is here. you only said that theyare nice people. our business will end ifwe behave like this, sir.
cameras are fixed. what did you say? - cameras! what?- cabaret. ls cabaret going on inside? cameras!- oh! cameras! sir! chicken! shall wehave chicken lollipops? cameras! why didn't you bring themilk to the terrace? how dare you slap my son?how dare you do that?
how dare she.wait, mother-in-law! please, wait! "stop it, mother-in-law!l shall handle this. she raises a pointing finger atme! what about her character? yes! yes! okay. lt's okay.- lt could have been better. we are working hard, madam. lt's so unfair! whatever we do,they are not happy about it? let us have our trp's. thenwe shall also show them. hi!- hi!
these people have only onecontrol. that is trp. how did you like it? - well done,asmi! really, well done. good morning, manoj uncle!- good morning, my child. you might not have sleptthroughout the night. finish the breakfast quickly. are you mad? why would we wakeupthroughout the night? we left everything recording .. ..and slept happilyswitching on the ac. why are you crying soearly in the morning?
your inspectors kande sentme sweets made of chilies. show me what is there in it? very good! you switchedon the ac and slept. but didn't you see whatwas recording in it? anyway you are here to sensor it. show him. let him see what happenedin his house last night. are we going to checkthe entire recording? show him in fast forward.finish it quickly. - oh! stop it!
he is the one who wasroaming around two nights ago.. listen! check the jewelryin your house. may be it was stolen last night. should l continue?- yes. hold on. l cannot seeanything in this. neeraj! make it bright.- yes, make it bright. neeraj! sound! rahul! you were so late. he is the same guy.
l am going to be caught one day. lf anyone sees me here, yourfamily members will kill me. rahul! please! lt is justa matter of one day. we would have eloped by tomorrow. you are saying as if we are elopingthe day after tomorrow.* last time we were almost caught.did anyone say anything? no. everyone was sitting outside. since the lights were gone. l bought the tickets.but what about money?
rahul! l have arranged forfifty thousand rupees. you don't worry.- great! lt would have been nice if wedon't need to elope like this. rahul! our family people arenot going to agree for our marriage. yes, since you arefrom a rich family. but l love you very much. l love you.- l love you too. you bastard! manoj! manoj! what happened to you?
nothing!- manoj! listen. manoj! what happened, uncle? "sit down! uncle, l love him so much. l cannot live without him. then why did you agreefor the marriage? when did l agree to it? all of you decided it for me. we all? did we forceyou? torture you?
l was not tortured. butl repeatedly said that. ..l did not want to goin for this marriage. l kept on saying it. you must say that you did not.. ..want to marry this boybut another one. how do we know about allthis by ourselves? l said this.- to whom? to mummy and papa.- what did you say? they told me that theycannot marry me off..
..where l shall never be happy. but what do they know, wheremy happiness lies. l don't know anything about this. no one tells you anything nowadays. ln any case, no one takes youseriously in this house. what does this mean? you wanted to elope, then whyall this marriage drama? don't you value yourfamily's prestige? just two days are leftfor the marriage.
nothing can be done now. had there been a week or so.. ..l could have spokento piya bhabhi. but now we cannot say noto the groom's family. people have traveled all theway everything is arranged. even the invitations have been sent. now what do we tell them? tell them to handoverthe invitation back.. ..because we want to changethe groom's name in it.
l can die, but cannot agreefor this marriage. dear.. what is all this so called love? look at everyone around. one year after marriage,and everything is over. everything becomes normal. look at your rishabh uncleand rekha aunty. she too had a love marriage. now they are thirsty foreach other's blood.
even if its not a love marriage,it all begins with love. then its all over. children,family, money matters and all. uncle, my love is not like that. ls your love an extraordinary one? all say this same thing. you will be very happy withthat boy. l have met him. you both make a wonderful pair. he looks like aamir khan. and you too look like aheroine along with him.
didn't you watch that movie,'qayamat se qayamat tak'. they were looking so you remember? uncle, they too had sacrificedthemselves for love. even their families did notagree to their marriage. you are just arguingfor the sake of it. okay, okay, its fine. let methink. l'll do something. but just cancel allyour plans to elope. what's his name? -rahul. rahul, huh!
everyone watches shahrukhkhan's movies.. ..then they have children andname them as in the movies. they just don't give athought to it that.. ..once they grow up, theywould even surpass romeo. uncle, he was born muchbefore shahrukh's film. you have this one very bad habit. you just argue for the sake of it. very dramatic. but it's of no use to us.
of no use at all. you mean, she has two daysleft for her marriage.. ..and is in love with someone else. no, it cannot happen. lt just cannot happen. but it is so. the audience will never accept it. first of all, its love. and then this girl..
..who is ready to elopewith her lover. no ways. the audience are goingto reject it outright. which means no trp's. and if no trp's, there's no show. but these kind of movieshave been a hit.. ..where the heroine is inlove with someone else.. ..and her family fix up hermarriage with someone else. and then, the hero andheroine both elope.
for your kind information.. ..its not some love story here. marriage is the theme here. lt's a family entertainmentshow, madam. you know, don 't givethem the wrong ideas. because they are gonnahate you and your show. but.. c'mon, let's assume that youwant to make a love story. do you have any scene,where the hero..
..meets the heroinefor the first time. do you have any scene, wherethe hero proposes? do you have such a scene, .. ..where the family turn'sout to be the villain. that's a different type of story. and that should've been, ifat all, done long back. this story is abouta marriage. right? and if there's no marriage,then no show. and that's final.
oh god! why are we such liars? why don't we showthat which is life? we show them that whichis just the opposite. there's no hunger, nopoverty in our world. you are thinking all this sittinghere in the luxurious ac car. just ask those who are rottingin that heat out there.. ..what they wish for. don't worry so much, asmi.
ultimately, we are allthe one and the same. eunuchs!- hmm! yes. we elect and bring such peopleto the parliament.. ..who care a damn for us. when the time comes to paythem the bribe money.. ..we create a ruckus out of it. but no thoughts whenaccepting bribe. till when will all this go on?
till this country goes on. we were like this,we are like this.. ..we shall always remain like this. what do we do of piya's love story? we will have to do whatthey want us to. you speak to manoj. manoj's niece has madehim agree to her point. now he says that, if he reallyloves piya, then even he.. then when will yourmagic work, asmi?
what? didn't you notice thathe has fallen for you? what are you saying? trap him, asmi. little more than his niece. lf his niece wins,then we are doomed. "till evening, trp..." "i will dance" no, not this.
show me something for the marriage. thank you very much. you, here in mumbai. lt's said that the world is round. though you try to escape,you are caught. where have you put up? at your grand daughter's,would be groom's place. l am his grandmother, suresh. finally l succeeded in buildinga relationship with you.
you are his grandmother.- yes. no one told me about it. what would you have done,had l informed you earlier? don't rub salt on my wound. ls the wound still there? even after 42 years? lt's fine that l met you. l was thinking of visitingyour place, this evening. now, l shall join you.
won't you take me home? l, now.. lf you don't wish, l won't come. l am now.. lf you want then l won't evencome on for the marriage. you are from the boy's side. how can l upset you? come.- come. hi manoj! how do you do?
hi manoj! how are you doing? welcome aboard. oh! may i? thank you.- welcome. two iris.- sure ma'am. lt's wonderful. work pressures don'tpermit me to go out and enjoy. you know what l mean.
be careful, boss. this girl is trying to trap you. yeah, l know.. l know. 'he dresses up just like a punk.' you look so handsome today.- do l? 'he can't carry asimple conversation, idiot.' 'this dimwit hasruined my whole evening.' lt's because l design them.
lt feels so great, really. yeah, feels so great. shall we sit?- what? - sit? - yes. here. okay. this is the table.- oh. shaking. actually. what will you do now?the wedding won't happen now.
the wedding has to happen. sir.- talk to piya once. oh!- uncouth moron. don't get nervous. this.. l will get you another drink, sir.- no. lt's ok. let's dance.- yes.., no, no!- come, let's dance. yeah, let's dance.- fine, you are like that.
he is jumping like a monkey. come, let's go back. well dance.- no, no, l am just warming up. come, let's go. it's shaking. she is trying to get closer. manoj, you will haveto do this for me. what?- you will have to convince piya. how can l do that?
she was so small, she used toplay in my lap wearing knickers. dimwit moron. that's why, manoj.that is precisely why. lf not you who will beconcerned about her happiness? - yes. well this love has no meaning. a couple of years intomarriage are enough for it to vanish. everything becomesthe same afterwards. be it a love marriage or otherwise,everyone starts with love. and then everything ends.
kids, household choresand the works, you know. l had said this.- that's what l am saying. you know how many times did lrewind and watched this scene? ten times. and now l happen to knowthis dialogue of yours by heart. lt brings tears to my eyes. one poor uncle is tryingto convince his niece. but she refuses to relent.she is very adamant. but the prestige of thefamily is at stake for the uncle.
what will people say?how will the world react? the niece ran away withanother boy before her wedding.. ..and that too onthe national network? and that too infront of 40 crore public? disgusting. how will your aged father feel? how will you godlike brother.. ..and your goddesslike sister-in-law feel? just think, manoj.
yeah, very right. no.. but rahul loves piya and.. ..perhaps you are right. l don't seem tounderstand what l should do. asmi..- yes. ..your zip is a bit loose. l .. i can't make piya unhappy. moron!
nonsense. a bill of 1300.. ..and to top it, my bestdress' zip also came loose. zip? what zip? what should we do now? seems my dream willremain mere dreams. think something,kavita. think something. what sort of a writer are you? l have an idea.- what? had the story been stuckwhere it is presently stuck..
..this would have beenmy next scene. the biggest bitch ofthe girl's colony.. mind it. - yes. ..comes to know ofher plans to elope. she would go and tell allthis to her family members. then? - then what? after that herfamily will directly deal with her. wow! wow! what an idea! you are too good. you are genius.
but which is such afemale in this colony? lt's so simple. when it comes to light up afire at someone else's house.. ..every woman of a colonyis the biggest of the bitch. very bad! what? how do you know that? don't bother about that,uncle. bother about piya. don't tell this to anyone else. what are you saying?lt's just like my house.
why would l go andtell this to anyone? come inside, piya.c'mon in for a minute. l will hit you so much thatyou will forget the name of love. right now only l know of it. your father will kill you,if he comes to know of it. a little libertyhas given you wings? l had warned you not to meet him.why did you no pay heed to it? your wedding is scheduled after twodays. you will bring disgrace to us. how did father come toknow of it?
did you tell him? - how can we? even our secret willcome out in the open. what's big deal in it? someone in the colonymust have got a whiff of it. father can you come upstairs for amoment? l need to talk to you. l will take your leave now. lfl stay back for one more day.. daughter will say l havetaken shelter at the girl's place. where is suresh?- he is upstairs. don't tell brother about piya.
how do you know? l know it from the beginning. oh! l was also thinking,what made piya dare to do that. lt was you who were encouraging her. you are such a hag .. betray your own brother? such a brother who feeds you,gives you shelter. you do no work. you no gooder.. good for nothing.
you enjoy on your brother'searnings and betray the same brother. hit him, oldster. bring thisbetrayer back to his senses. don't go, auntie. you should rather watch this drama. manoj! you are such a dual faced person.not l but you are betraying your own manoj!- l will come later. no, wait and see. see that person who hadditched you 40 years ago.
manoj! -don't shout. a scene will becreated in the whole house. do you still remember it? wehave just heart of your tales. you must have undergone that pain. both of you lovedeach other, didn't you? your families refused the wedding.. ..and both of you wantedto elope but didn't. why? because my fatherlacked the courage. after that he married my mother.
but he didn't havecourage to love her even. he kept running awayfrom her all his life. don't know whether his tearswere real or not when she died. and today, wants to repeatit by strangulating.. ..his grand daughter's happiness. today, when she wants to run awaywith her love, he wants to stop her. fine, father. l am a no-gooder. that l survive on others' bread.
but l am not a coward like you. l can't stop my crying, asmi. don't cry, kavita. don't. don't you feel likecrying after watching this? we are done with this show ifthis oldster changes his mind. and that is when l won'tbe able to stop my crying. we are so heartless, aren't we?- yes, kavita. we were, we are ... ...and we willcontinue to remain the same.
does piya love someone else? piya will be marriedonly to your grandson. just the way l wasmarried to someone else. and you weremarried to some one else. all these are old topics, rati. ln the same manner, even thiswill become an old topic. lsn't it? how can we break a weddingthat is scheduled for tomorrow? perhaps you are right.
do you know, suresh,what l wish for? l wish piya to run away. that will make me feelbeing absolved of my sins. the groom is my grandson butstill l wish piya to run away. she will not.- l know. l know, if people like you and medecide, no piya can ever run away. but still ... ...what's the harmin seeing a dream today.. ..which couldn't be turnedto reality 42 years back?
yeah, l will do that. l will do that. l will call. asmi.- yes? thinking something?- no.. no. 'not thinking, stupid. l am dreaming. l havebeen called by yash chopra.' 'asmi, we had seen yourtv show. lt is wonderful.' 'how about doing a movie with us?- thank you, sir.' 'l have a script..'
'..but it suits only shahrukh khan.' 'ok, no problem. anyone else?' 'well,how about amitabh bachchan..' ' another important role?- no problem. done.' 'and heroine?' 'heroine.. well..' you?- can i come? 'lf you ask me standing at my door,l am not going to shoo him off.' l am here to breakmy contract with you.
here, take this moneyback and tear the contract. but everything isgoing according to plan. yes, for you all. not for me. don't be crazy. fivelakhs is too big an amount. l know, but my pockets are torn.where will l keep them? what will l too if my heart alsotears apart handling that money? this isn't some film where youcan speak such cheap dialogues. l say even cheaperdialogues in my real life. but that's all. l say cheapdialogues but l don't do cheap deeds.
you mustn't be havingthe contract here, right? give this to your, keep this. tear it. and don't worry. l am notgoing to interfere in your work. go ahead with thetelecast of your show. because the end of theshow will be different now. means?- means piya will run away now.. ..and l am going to help her do that. and your family peoplewill keep watching it, right? they will watch it.. will also watch it andthe whole world will watch it on tv. lt you want, let have a bet. piyawill not go in for this marriage. he is a crackpot of a man. 'my first film will be a hit.super duper hit.' 'then three of my films willbe hits one after the other.' 'and then l will make a film..' '..on a real story. a filmbased on real life people.' 'l have to win award too,am l not?'
'and this year the oscargoes to asmi ganatra.' l've got it. l have got the idea!our stunt master! cut it. pan to the left. why did you bringthe clap in between? fix it. we haven't got the clothes yet. and they callthemselves to be the producers. tappu bhai.- oh, producer!
you seemed to haveremembered me after a long time. give me your hand. get up. what's this, man? and you.. yougo and get the shot ready. - yes. what's the matter?things not happening? you were flat in just one hand? that's why l am here.- great! bless you! no problems! tell me the date.. ..and the scene and l will be there. the date is tomorrowand there is no scene.
look, l have stopped towork without a bound script. this isn't that type of shooting? then what type of shooting is it? lt will involve a fightfirst and shooting later. this poor guy isunnecessarily getting hassled. he is totally unaware of our plans. whatever it is,this guy has courage. give way! move aside!
move aside, let me also see. l used to watch in the movies andwonder from where this sound comes. today l have come to know thatthis is the mumbai style of bashing. take care. carefully. what's matter?- he is upstair, okay. where are you going?- lt is important. but stop.. how can you go inside?- just a minute. what does that mean? stop. who bashed you up?- four goons.
they bashed him badly withwarnings that if he dares.. ..look towards piya again,they will kill him. but my family memberswill never do such a thing. l see.. this producer..- producer? listen, l had come totell that piya will.. you at uncle'skitchen in malad at 8:00 pm. be it uncle's kitchen or aunty's,he is not going anywhere. rahul, tell him that youdon't want their piya. she loves you, man.
8:00 pm sharp. okay? so you are trying torule piya's life now? you are getting herboyfriend bashed up? a conspiracy in our colony? we didn't do anything like that. so you have started to speak lies aswell. great progress in three days. what will happen if this show is notaired on tv? a little more struggle? possible you cannever become a director. but you want to achieve allthat by ruining a girl's life?
just shut up and get out. ok. sorry.. l am sorry. asmi, l am sorry. lshouldn't have shouted at you. l was just wonderingif l was mistaken. then l realized you are right. brother, father, sister-in-law,all of you are right. traditions alsohave their importance. do you remember amitabhbachhan's dialogue in..
..'kabhie khushi kabhie gam'? we can break everythingbut not the traditions. have you returned the money? you will get the money. don't worry. l thought l have lost it. l want thatmoney. five lakhs is a big amount. will you have tea? get some tea, kavita.- not here. don't you get bored in this tinbox?let's go out somewhere. c'mon.- ok.
l will be back in some time.- ok. come on!- not this way. there. see that hen there. oh, you have fallen. these cows.. ..they just relievethemselves everywhere. what will you do now? youwill have to take bath now. how will you gohome in these clothes? my house is nearby. comethere and have a bath. what about the clothes?what will you wear?
anyway, wear neela bhabhi'sclothes. l will explain it to her. come. don't keep standing. thewhole of colony will stink. - ok. don't touch me.maintain distance. come. the sari is good but..- oh, the oldster. he is a dangerous guy. turnyourself into a grand old woman. what?- killing with eyes. who?- cover your face. come. but why? - careful. don't tryto run. - l can't see anything. you will break your leg.
cover your face. let's escape. rakesh, who is she?- yes. who?- she. oh, she is our distant grandma. hide face. - grandma?- greetings! but she doesn't look so old.- from outside. lf you watch herfrom inside, she is 95. she slaps me out of love.she loves me a lot, my grandma! gone mad.- what rubbish are you talking?
she is saying, there is nothingleft to see, outside the veil. may god call herback in her veil itself. good thinking. what's your name?- rakesh. she will go to heaven, directly. by the way, l want to passon a secret to you today. l am thinking of changingmy name. rakesh doesn't suit me. have you taken the priest's advice? yeah. he asked me tochange it to manoj.
this name is also good.- not only good but very good. so from today, my name is?- manoj. shall l take your leave? l haveto take her to the bathing ghat. come. bathing ghat? hey, did you go to drinktea or shopping. l fell on a cow-dung.- cow dung? yuck. thank god,l'd gone along with her.
had you been there, youwould have fainted. but that smell was so horrible, l have never smelt it before. by the way isn't asmi-ji lookinggood in this attire? yeah, that's true.. exactly like juhi chawla from'qyamat se qyamat tak'. what are you saying? juhi chawlais nothing before her. okay, l'll show youa very nice film now. a film?- yes, l shot it just minutes ago.
lt's a very nice scene. please play it for us. l got that scene too. how dare you?- hey.. how dare you? l'll kill you. hey that's enough.- l'll kill you. give me the tape. l'll kill you.. you'll kill me.. you really don'tknow how to say a dialogue.
you stupid, fool, l'll kill you. l'll bury your heartin the cow dung. give it to me, give me that tape.- enough.. leave me. how does is feel asmi-ji, when yourown medicine is used on you. and when l'll give thistape to my cable-guy.. what?-l won't make a deal with him. what will l do with so much money? after all you are givingme five lakhs.
l'll file a complaint against you. should l call, inspector kande? why did you get thatpoor rathi beaten up? l did not. - but you didn't evenstop, you didn't object to it. but.. what could l do? l'm sorry; l had to do all this. but l'd like to tell you something, we all vulnerable.. you, me and everyone.
herekeep this with you. some people have the habit of beingright, just as this idiot is. the wedding processionis at the door steps.. ..and he wants to takeoff with the bride. because she loves some one else. think about it. think about thefamily. to hell with your family. think about our multi-millionbudgeted serial. what about me? there are times in your life where... can't simply sit quiet. you have to do have to take decisions. what does this idiot think, thathe'll take off with the bride.. ..and l'll just keep watching? piya! sister-in-law, l'mtaking piya along with me. where?- where she should be. where should she be? we don't have much time.
l'm taking her to thatperson with whom she.. ..should be in this bridal dress. come on piya! let's go kitty. piya, manoj! what are you doing? what we all should do,sister-in-law. manoj,.. are doing the right thing.
run away as far as you can,l won't tell any one. now go.. uncle.. we are going, stop us if you can. l'm with you. come and sit.. thanks. you look beautiful insister-in-law's saree. l wish l had someone withwhom l could run away.
uncle, l'll search one for you. what will you search for me? will a girl like her do? wow, do you like her?- yes, very much. should l speak to her about it?- yes. no. she'll bite your head off. sister-in-law, piyais not in her room. she's not in her room.- what? piya has absconded,.. what will we do? what will we tell thegroom's parents? lt's already eight thirty,why hasn't he come yet? do you know his number?- yes. dial me the number then. hello, who's speaking? rahul,it's me manoj. where are you? you are still there, we havereached here already. yes, where wehad decided to meet.
hello? what.. what are you saying? l should ask her to get married? have you lost your mind? hello..listen, don't you love her? hello.. hello.. he won't come. come sit,.. ..we'll go home.. come sit..
piya,.. ..piya stop! ..piya.. ..piya.. piya has returned home..she has come back. she has come back. hey, listen shekhar.. hey wait.. why does he keep fallingall the time? what has happened to you?youcan question her later..
the groom's procession is alreadyhere, get her ready. sister, l think sister-in-lawis illiterate.. ..she has pulled her veil so low. then why don't you liftit away after all.. ..she's you sister-in-law, poonam!- should l take it off? okay then.. hey not so soon.. ..first let them finish their'saat phere'(seven rounds) not here there.. oh sorry.. sorry..- not again.
these are not sandalwood sticks..- everyone is in a hurry. lt's pure sandalwood pandit-ji! no it's not; it's emittingtoo much smoke. otherwise this ghee isnot of good quality. pandit-ji, we'll contributefor your fees too. please don't side theonly the groom's party. "chants" why don't you see the girls face? ls there any problem?
what has happened to your face? did somebody hit you? piya, piya.. pandit-ji, one minute.. son, the auspiciousmoment is passing by. so let it go. get up.. l wish totalk to piya alone.. piya, come. hey where are you taking her?
now what does he want to talk about? now tell me, what hadhappened to you face? listen, if something has happened,then l want to know. l want to know becausel'm marrying you. and l will be spending therest of my life with you. are you.. are you a cranky girl? then what, from the moment you'vemet me, you've been crying. l'd met with an accident. accident? where?
piya, say anything but the truth. no kavita, let the truthcome out in today.. lt does matter whathappens after that. piya, please don't lie to me. listen l don't want begina relation with a lie. l had ran away from home.. hey you eat chocolates?l used to eat it earlier. even but let me tell you one thing..
..they really take a heavytoll on your teeth. l paid twenty thousandrupees to the dentist.. make them lookgood for the wedding. dentists are robbers,l tell you, really. l have never eaten chocolatesworth twenty thousand. nice. so what about our wedding? you love someone else butyou want to marry me? l was against this marriage.
okay, alright.. relax.. we won't get married,.. ..if you want you cancall the person you love.. l don't want to get married tohim too, l hate him.. ..he has deceived me. piya, l don't love you,.. ..not until now. we don't know each other very much.
but believe me; l'd thought that... ...we've been already married. and the household that l had dreamtabout, you were there with me. when l saw your photo sent formy alliance, l got it scanned.. ..and had it enlargedon my computer. and do you know what l used todo every night before sleeping. before sleeping l used tokiss you on that computer. and if l wish to kiss you now..
you know piya; you aresuch a beautiful girl. and that's a cat,.. know, l hate catsbut what the heck.. that's so nice,.. ..nice.. ..nice cat.. piya, you look good whenyou laugh. don't cry. okay. you see l cannot take acrying bride to my house. because l don't want you to crywhen you are dropping rice..
.. content vessel, it doesn'tlook nice,.. ..please answer me. what we wanted,we got everything. bride, bridegroom, rituals,customs fun, music, songs.. but along with that we gotsomething else too.. one uncle having an affairwith a servant. a grandfather, trying out new waysof kamasutra at the age of 67.. a bride running awayfor her beloved. but finally marries the guy withwhom it had been arranged.
so many things happenedin this wedding. we wanted to cover only thewedding but got much more. we wanted 'saat phere' insteadwe got '7 1/2 phere'. now this is what l call brilliant. wonderful, marvelous. thank you, ma'am! thank you. you, you've done it.congratulations! ln the market of entertainment,wedding takes the top slot. every marriage ritualis sold in millions.
a seller knows that he's sellingmuch more than a wedding. '7 1/2 phere' sell morethan 'saat phere.' seller sells only those thingsthat are bought by people. whether it is a fresh news ordirty dancing of a music video. whether it is a page 3 partiesor suicide attempting farmers. we sell what the buyers buy. then it doesn't matter whetherit is more or less. she worked very hard. asmi, what are you doing?
what are you doing? -l don't believe this. somebody stop her.. you wanted a wedding, you got it. then why do you want things thathappened beyond the wedding? lt will be fun, the audiencewill like it. what about the girl's father,who will be heart broken? what about the humiliation herfamily will have to bear? and what about the girl, who hasjust settled in her new life? who cares?- yeah why should we care?
you may not care but l care. what are you doing,have you gone crazy? we all are not eunuchs, and if were... ...and we are thensome has to change. she's lost it, she's lost it. she's gone mad. l used to be mad but l'm sane now. asmi.. oh my god!
we all get a chance to bea hero once in a while. and it feels good to bea hero too. but later.. l was fired. what was the needfor me to act like a hero? okay kavita,.. that's it. the show was prepared very nicely,asmi and the credit goes to you. are you joining somewhere else? who will take me? the news musthave spread like fire.. beware of that director, shesnips off her own creation.
lt's all because of that idiot manoj,l wish l hadn't met him at all. what have l done to you? there's nothing leftto be done, now. you keep bumping in to me purposely. seeing you, l lose my sanity. my legs slip off their own accord. should l ask her?- get aside. what if she hits me? what are you doing tonight lmean in the evening? - why?
we'll go out somewhere,have dinner. are you flirting with me? no, no.. you know l'm married,l'm a married woman. you were teasing me, weren't you? she makes me laugh too much.. l don't know why l suddenly feltthat l liked meeting manoj. of course, l'd liketo make movies too. and l might make movies which have...
...stars shining brighter in the sky. and the moon hidingbehind the clouds. what the heck, youwant entertainment? so be it.. entertainment..
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